

Gulgulas are like lightly sweetened mini donuts. In India these are made for special occasions. This is a quick and easy  recipe to make when you are craving for something sweet. It's the first time i made gulgulas for diwali and they turned out very well. Thanks to my mom for this wonderful and yummy recipe.


1/2 cup wheat flour
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 tsp fennel seeds (saunf)
1 tsp oil
1/2 cup lukewarm water (use as needed)
pinch of baking soda
oil to fry


1: Mix wheat flour, sugar, fennel seeds, oil and baking soda, add water slowly as needed to make the thick consistency batter. Leave the batter aside for half an hour.

2:  Heat oil in a pan on medium high heat.

3: The frying pan should have about 1inch of oil. (To check if the oil is ready, put one drop of batter in oil. The batter should come up but not change color right away).

4: Slowly drop 1 teaspoon of batter at a time in to the oil. Don’t over crowd the frying pan as the gulgulas expand double in volume.

5: Fry the Gulgulas golden brown all sides, turning them occasionally. It will take 2 to 3 minutes.

6: Remove the gulgulas and place over a paper towel so the excess oil is absorbed.


1: If oil is not hot enough gulgulas will stick to the bottom of the frying pan.

Meet you all again with another interesting recipe, till then it is bye from Archana.

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